Aloha . . .
Thanks for visiting our site . . . if you want to learn more about building a home-based business and marketing on the Internet . . . or are just curious about what our group is doing, you've come to the right place.
Thanks for visiting our site . . . if you want to learn more about building a home-based business and marketing on the Internet . . . or are just curious about what our group is doing, you've come to the right place.
My family and I live in Hawai`i and don't want to live anywhere else! It is very expensive to live in Hawai`i! What are my 3 children going to do to prepare for their future here in one of the most expensive places, in the world, to live? Simple! They need to make more money to secure their financial future and be able to live in Hawai`i, comfortably! What did we do? We have joined with a group of other like minded Internet marketers and are building a home-based business using the power of Veretekk and the Internet!
I met my partner, Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk (the leading SEO and lead generation company on the Net), in 1996 after I had been online for a year. Since then, we have done projects together, over the years, some successful, some not. We've "been there and done that" and have seen everything happen on the Net that you can imagine! It was like the "Wild West" in those days!
Well, about 10 years ago, Tom started Veretekk and has been fully involved getting it up and running. He joined another company in 2001, contacted several people he knew, got his group up and running in about 6 months, then went back to expanding and building Veretekk. Being so busy with Veretekk, Tom ignored the company that he had joined . . . until Oct. 2007.
Up until then, Tom had just taken the monthly checks from this other company for granted. The money from this company helped him, financially, while he was building Veretekk! When he totaled his checks for 2007, he was astounded by the very substatntial amount he had gotten in 2007!
What if he had focused on this other company a little more? In Jan. 2008, Tom decided to focus on this company and start a "new" leg. Well, you can see what happens when Tom decides to focus. We joined in the last week of Feb. 2008. A little over 3 weeks later, our group was at 1,450+ . . . in 60 days, 3,000+!
We owe all of this success to Tom, along with the leaders and members of Veretekk who have followed Tom into his new position in this company.
The leaders and members are committed to helping and working with each member of our group:
"buying" customers every month
contacting and working with these customers
referring others to do the same
contacting and working with these customers
referring others to do the same
We the leaders, who have become Business Affiliates, all use Veretekk for SEO (search engine optimization) and lead generation to build our new business. We have started a concerted effort blogging, issuing press releases, posting to bulletin boards, etc. Also, using Veretekk's Search Engine Optimization tools, we have enabled a dozen, or so, "keywords" to be on the "first page of Google", giving us and what we are doing, maximum exposure on the Net! (Try it: "Google" any mlm company name + the word "leads", most of those websites on the first two pages are ours!) All of these web sites direct people to our "capture page", where they fill out a form to receive more information. We then call them and invite them to our weekly webinar to further educate them on the what and how we are doing!
After all these years, Tom and I just got tired of the constant selling and recruiting that you need in order to build a group in this kind of business! Although many of us are good at recruiting and selling, unfortunately, the majority of those we brought in were not and, eventually, failed. Granted, I know that this type of business is like any other; to succeed you have to work at it.
In the real world over 90% of new businesses fail in the first year or two. The same applies for this business; over 90% of people fail with their "new" business for whatever reason.
With our company, you start off on "day 1" with people already in your new business! You then, contact these "members/customers" you have "bought", introduce yourself and touch bases with them. We are all working in a concerted effort with the company and using their "Cooperative Marketing" business model: Click Here!
Remember now, these are NOT leads! These ARE customers/members that are already with the company! After seeing or reading about our company, their products, the business opportunity, etc., they took the time to call or sign up online and enter their name, real world and email address, telephone number and joined the company. They are still members because they have not asked to be removed from the company database!
"BUY CUSTOMERS NOT LEADS!" - Start on Day 1 with customers/members already in your group!
The company spends millions of dollars per year advertising their products on television (they own their own cable TV network), radio, print and on the web. In return, they pull in thousands of new customers every month. These customers come to them because they responded to proven and tested messaging and science-based products. As a Business Affiliate you are able to acquire these customers through the company's Media Acquisition Program, or MAP, as we like to refer to it. When you acquire a customer, you own the rights to that customer's lifetime purchasing value. It's yours forever. Whenever that customer makes a purchase, you are compensated on that sale. And when that customer refers another customer, your sales efforts are compounded. Together, the company acquires these customers on a zero profit, zero loss basis. Their customers are your customers!
Business Affiliates benefit from the combined professional experience of four sister companies. The company handles all the daily operations like stocking product, inventory, fulfilling orders, and even talking to your customers when they have questions. The start-up and annual costs would be tremendous for you to start a business like this yourself. Advertising, front-end marketing, order fulfillment and shipping, customer service, backend marketing…the list goes on and on. With the company, they do the work with minimal cost to you. Cooperative Marketing is a true cooperative effort between the Business Affiliate and the company.
Their experienced in-house marketing team creates the catalogs, printed materials and websites to showcase their products to your customers. Plus, they offer direct support to you as their Business Affiliate. Their Business Services Department is ready to help answer your questions about enrolling, orders, customers and day-to-day operations. With the company, they have a complete system in place to help you start, maintain and grow your business. They provide you with tools and training unlike anywhere else in the industry.
Some of the business essentials they provide you with include a comprehensive Online Business Center, educational materials, business support, training, product micro-sites, and much more. They have EVERYTHING you need to start this business today and have customers tomorrow!
Click Here! - Read what Donald Trump and Richard Kiyosaki have to say about "Network Marketing". Next, Click Here! - this video will explain "Cooperative Marketing": how our company and our group is working together and why we are growing so fast!
Stop wasting your time and money! Stop buying leads and cold calling people that have been called over and over again! Stop bugging your friends, neighbors and relatives! We don't, anymore! You need to find out more about how and what we are doing!
Remember . . . what you do, today, will affect your family for generations to come!
Thanks for visiting, I hope to hear from or speak with you, soon! All of my contact info is below . . .
Al Gonzales-2 Star Trivita Director
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