Discover Networking
We believe in giving individual entrepreneurs the opportunity to achieve financial freedom. That's what power networking is all about.
We are so passionate about these things that we have adopted a radical way of doing business called network marketing. Vitamark cuts out all the middle-men and gives ordinary people the opportunity to make money today and forever, simply by sharing Limu Plus and inviting others to do the same.
You don't have to be a great salesman to succeed. Your reasonable efforts are emulated by the network, so that the effort you make today earns residual income for years to come. This process is called duplication, and it gives you the power to leverage time and money for maximum effect. You can do this.
Sharing a product people want, helping others discover wellness, and sharing an opportunity people need, helping others discover freedom. Build a business of your own with Vitamark and discover networking for yourself.
The Secret of Power Networking
Network marketing is an industry for entrepreneurs. Vitamark attracts the most talented independent affiliates in the marketplace, and their collective experience has resulted in a strategy we call power networking. Power networking is a model for business building that requires a minimum commitment and delivers significant residual income almost immediately. It is the first step toward creating a business that will provide financial freedom for you and your loved ones.
Because they are creative and innovative, Vitamark affiliates pursue their goals in a variety of ways. Power networking is a key foundation for future growth. It is a simple, two-step program that can provide a supplemental income of $1,550 or more every four weeks.
Step 1: Enroll and commit to 100 BP AutoShip
If you want others to follow, you must lead. That is the principle behind power networking. You are going to build a network, and you want the people who join to commit to an AutoShip order that generates a minimum of 100 BP every four weeks. (By the way, BP stands for Bonus Points, the unit that Vitamark pays commissions on. Each product has a certain value in Bonus Points—for example, a single bottle of Limu Plus is worth 25 BP.)
Because you want your affiliates to duplicate this action, and because you know that if you want others to follow you must lead, the first step to power networking is to start your business and commit to a 100 BP AutoShip order every four weeks.
Step 2: Sponsor 5 Affiliates who make the same commitment and duplicate
The second step in the power networking model is as simple as the first: sponsor five affiliates who make the same commitment that you have made (Step 1) and duplicate the same effort you have (sponsoring five). The result? You will have five affiliates on the first level of your organization, and twenty-five on the second. As the affiliates on your second level follow the example set for them, your third level expands to 125.
Why AutoShip?
AutoShip is a convenient way to place a standing order with Vitamark and have your product shipped automatically on a regular basis. We offer a range of pre-selected packs—including one that contains four bottles of our bestselling Limu Plus—or you can customize your own. When you place an AutoShip order, you receive your product regularly without having to remember to place a new order every few weeks. When your affiliate network is on AutoShip, you guarantee that a regular level of volume moves through the organization. That volume is what your residual income is based on, so the more affiliates on AutoShip in your network, the higher your residual income will climb.
AutoShip helps you maintain a happier, healthier lifestyle by providing the products you need when you need them. It also helps generate the stable, recurring volume in your network that leads to long-term residual income.
The reason you commit to a minimum of 100 BP is that the Vitamark Operating System (vOS), our state-of-the-art compensation engine, is designed to yield maximum generation bonuses at that level.
This is a simple mathematical progression. The size of your first level is unlimited, so in theory you could sponsor ten, fifteen, twenty or more, and if they duplicate your commitment and efforts then the size of your organization would grow exponentially. But power networking only requires that you sponsor five, and that everyone in your group does the same.
Step 2: Sponsor 5 Affiliates who make the same commitment and duplicate.
Your Generation Bonus:
This is a simple mathematical progression. The size of your first level is unlimited, so in theory you could sponsor ten, fifteen, twenty or more, and if they duplicate your commitment and efforts then the size of your organization would grow exponentially. But power networking only requires that you sponsor five, and that everyone in your group does the same.
Step 2: Sponsor 5 Affiliates who make the same commitment and duplicate.
Your Generation Bonus:
$1,550 (every four weeks)
As your first level affiliates duplicate your actions and your organization grows, the real earning potential of power networking kicks in. With five affiliates on your first level, 25 on the second and 125 on the third, each generating the requisite AutoShip volume, you will be earning $1,550 every four weeks. Take a moment and think about that number.
As your first level affiliates duplicate your actions and your organization grows, the real earning potential of power networking kicks in. With five affiliates on your first level, 25 on the second and 125 on the third, each generating the requisite AutoShip volume, you will be earning $1,550 every four weeks. Take a moment and think about that number.
What could you do with an
additional $1,550 every four weeks?
additional $1,550 every four weeks?
Imagine what would happen today if you started earning an extra paycheck each month: you could pay off debts, take a vacation, treat your family to something special. That alone would be worth all that you've done so far to earn it.
Add It Up: $1,550
With an extra $1,550 every four weeks, you would have a significant supplemental income. What would you do with an additional $20,150 or more each year?
With an extra $1,550 every four weeks, you would have a significant supplemental income. What would you do with an additional $20,150 or more each year?
When you discover Vitamark, you find the power to build a business that can generate that supplemental income. Think about it: you can give yourself a $20,150 raise. Wouldn't that be worth the commitment? Wouldn't it be worth the time it takes to build? Of course it would.
Add it Up
Add it Up
Your residual of $1,550 every four weeks does not include additional bonuses for which you may qualify. This is just the beginning!
Generation Bonus
(15,500 BP) $1,550
Every 4 Weeks
Additional Bonuses
Generation Bonus
(15,500 BP) $1,550
Every 4 Weeks
Additional Bonuses
That extra $20,150 a year is just the beginning. Your potential can soar much higher. In fact, there is a whole range of bonuses that we have not included in this model: the Platinum Bonus, the Diamond Bonus, the Ambassador Bonus and the ultimate Presidential Bonus. When you add these into the mix, the potential goes through the roof.
But the power networking model gives you a taste of what can happen when you discover network marketing. You can put the power of duplication to work for you and experience financial freedom like never before.
Discover Networking Here:
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